It's been a while since Christmas, but I've run into some car trouble and have been a little depressed because of it and some other things as well.
Firstly, I don't know what it's like for other car brands, but taking an Audi back to the dealership anywhere in Connecticut will just fill you with worry and woe. "OK, you need a whole new camshaft, so that'll be $2950, I'll give you until Friday to decide." "But wait good sir, how can it need an entire new camshaft, the car only has 67K on it and I don't drag race with it, you are describing something that happens at 200K?" *grumble* Thankfully though, I am not alone in the German car price gouge and am getting some help from a Passat owner. Gert will be getting towed there today sometime once I touch base with his guy, who is going to really determine what's wrong with the car, hopefully.
To be as vague as I normally am with Relationship Land: :-) mixed with a little :'-( because of "things." HA! Isn't that spectacularly vague!! :-P
Work is beginning to pick up slightly: I'm waiting back from an architect about another car dealership, we completed field measurements for a school where we're determining it's roof capacity and we're waiting for a couple long time clients to wake up, financially.
This economy blows, if you didn't know that already. My industry took a big hit. Why? Because when credit freezes, even wealthy clients panic. These are people who are used to getting what they want without having to back up a loan with actual things. You can't expect every wealthy person to want to put up their houses in order for a project to be financially backed, not coming out of the quick and easy economy we had not 6 months ago.
So, it is time to take stock and start studying for my upcoming exam which I've been horribly procrastinating so much so that I haven't even filled out the application yet. Why? Because it has a 38% passing rate that's f*cking why. It's essentially my Bar Exam, but this'll be my second one. I've already passed the FE exam out of college and this upcoming one is the PE exam to determine if I've been learning everything I should have and if I can call myself an Engineer. Right now I am an Engineer for my company, if I stop working I lose that and become an Engineer-in-Training. So to compare it to something, I'm in Residency now in a sense. Once I pass the PE exam, I'll be wearing a white coat.
That sounds like way to early to be having camshaft problems. I had a 35 year old 1969 Cougar that had the cam shaft replaced for the 1st time. Doesn't make sense...you are right.
I took the PE last year and got my license in Nebr for Mechanical. Check-out the Engineer Boards for some good help!
What's your discipline?
I'm a structural engineer, so I'm leaning toward the Structural I exam, even though everyone keeps telling me the Civil one is easier. I don't care if it is easier, it's really not my thing and I don't want to be licensed in it, you know what I mean?
Also, yeah I just had the car towed to another service station and they're looking into it now to see what is actually wrong with it. *crosses fingers*
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