Las Vegas Long Weekend Recap
Well one thing that I noticed that I guess you can say is part of the je ne sais quoi of Las Vegas is the incessant flicking and flapping of prostitute cards by men wearing naked women tee shirts with advertisements for phone numbers and other points of contact. Other than that, I'd have to say I really enjoyed my Las Vegas trip and to be honest, is it Vegas without the hooker cards being flicked in front of your face?? I don't think so...
I was surprised by the amount of construction going on in that desert. Wow. There were some interesting risks being taken with steel and such and I can only amount it to the fact that there is no snow and no seismic events out there, just wind. Pictures to follow once I get a chance to upload them all.
Also, great Blackjack tables and dealers. We were able to snag a good $15 table around 11 AM, but by the time I got the cojones to actually play, the pit boss had turned it to a $25 table. :-( I won back some of my cojones though with free drinks and at the video blackjack tables, my problem is that I get intimidated by the dealer's and the other player's proficiency. But I'd say I'm decent for a $20 table, so I may have to take another wack at it then next time I'm at Mohegan or Foxwoods.
So yeah, I had a great time and as a result have the beginnings of a cold forming because of the good times affecting my sleep. So naps and soups are in order so that I don't explode into sickies.
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