Thanksgiving Cheater
That's right, I'm just going to come right out and say it. My sister and I split the bill to have Thanksgiving catered in this year. *runs away and hides*
*looks out from under cover*
*creeps back out and brings soap box along*
*gets up on soap box*
Ever since I was able to walk I have helped my mom cook and prepare for Thanksgiving. Not in the classical Thanksgiving sense, I'm talking the Italian-American Thanksgiving sense. We're talking about people up to about 20, multiple meat courses (yup, that's right, we're not big fans of Turkey you may have gathered), multiple starch and vegetable courses, homemade sausage stuffing (you'll have to torture me to get the recipe out of me), soups, then desserts up the wazoo along with nuts and coffee to round everything out. Over the years, thankfully, the amount of people has gone down and we are happily left with just immediate family. Hence the idea of "hey, why don't be pay other people to do it this year?"
So, it'll be nice to just warm up food and chill out for Thanksgiving. No running around the kitchen or running back to the store for forgotten items. No yelling and screaming at each other people of the cooking stress and no f*cking peeling potatoes!!! F*ck you potatoes!! I love you, but damn it you are horrible on the hands!!
*steps down from soap box*
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