Palm Trees and Movie Stars
Well, I'm here and it's really been a trip in more ways than one.
LAX is in the midst of palm trees, so as soon as you leave and are awaiting pickup, you get hit in the face with palm trees and a taste (literally) of what to expect on the highway. I now know that I will never do any driving in this city and I am very happy about that. *bows down in admiration*
And as with any foreign land I find myself in, I'm enamored with how similar and with how different everyday culture is in this place. I love doing the "everyday" things wherever I am, to me I get a kick out of shopping in strange places and picking up a quick bite at strange cafes. I don't need the song and dance of a tour, just roam around with me and that's all that I need (along with my trusty camera for recording purposes).
So for today I have foreign fast food joints such a Taco Loco and Jack in the Box on the agenda as well as various millings around the cities' boutiques.
Updates to follow...
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