Glasgow London Westwoods Skies Los Angeles

Monday, December 17, 2007

Creepy Warning

If I end up stuffed in a box somewhere along the side of the road, please know that it was probably C*** at work who did it, you know, someone who would be described as one of those "quiet ones."

Some of you know about him as I've relayed puzzling stories to you about his weirdness, but I'm just stating this again in case something does happen.

Now, nothing will (I'm exaggerating, obviously), but have you ever had to work with someone that creeps the fcuk out of you? Like, child molester creepy. You know what I'm saying.

"Hey, I have this great Chinese food menu, in my car..."
"Hey guess what? I'll be down by your neck of the woods tonight..."
"Oh, you're leaving now, I should move my car too [and use this time as an excuse to get you away from everyone in the office]. I parked it a couple blocks down so I should move it closer [and end up moving it even further away down the street because there were no other available spaces left on this side of the street]."


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